As colleges across the country are beginning their fall semesters, many students are anxiously waiting to get their hands dirty in their pursuit of a construction degree. Construction management degrees are among the most commonly found Bachelors Degrees, and Construction Technology is a frequent major for as Associates Degree. At CDO Group, we believe that knowledge is power, and combined with practical experience in the field, today’s construction workers have the golden ticket to success.

Types of construction degrees

Construction management is among the most popular of four-year degrees in the construction industry. Courses focus on project management principles, cost management, materials & systems, labor law, and estimating, among others. Construction technology degrees emphasize the practice of construction, rather than a managerial perspective, focusing on courses like computer-aided drafting, surveying, and programming & engineering. Of course, other mechanical engineering degrees can lead to paths in the construction industry but are rarely accompanied by practical construction course work or job experience.

Degree levels and who they are for

There are many paths a person can take to begin a career in construction. From a non-academic apprenticeship to graduate degrees, there is a route for everyone. Many people start off their construction journey with a non-academic apprenticeship or internship, utilizing the experience of well-versed construction professionals and mentors to grow their knowledge and skill set. From there, he or she can take their education a step further with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in a major like construction technology. This degree will help an individual gain the practical skills to succeed as a contractor or a GM. Majors in construction management can extend all the way up to Masters and Ph.D. level degrees. Masters or Ph.D. programs are geared more towards those individuals who want their careers to take them to the managerial side of construction.

How can you make yourself a more competitive graduate?

There is no doubt that a degree in construction will make you a competitive job candidate, but how could you make yourself even more competitive? Certifications like Construction Manager Certification (CMC) and Certified Professional Constructor (CPC) can give you accreditation that will indicate your high skill level and practical experience. Certifications benefit you, as well as your employer on job sites.

Classroom learning vs. Field learning

Whether you are learning concepts and reasoning in the classroom or learning hands-on skills out in the field, there are definite benefits to both learning styles. Classroom learning allows the student to understand background concepts, reasoning, and functions behind certain construction practices. Field learning will give the student hands-on, practical experience that can be immediately applied to other jobs and construction concepts. When combined, you can create a well rounded and useful education in the field of construction.

If you are an aspiring contractor or have big dreams to run your own commercial construction group like CDO, your education will be a key player in the game. Do you have any first-hand experience you’d like to share with us? Contact us here.